Thursday, April 20, 2006

Repost from another time-MUCH FUNNIER!

My First Post: What I should've said:

So, I pride myself on being massively self-important and think that everyone should listen to what I have to say. To give me a forum is a dangerous thing.

But anyhoo...what exactly is my concept of Random Acts of Randomness? This is a something that I think we should all embrace. Basically it involve me e-mailing my friends a bunch of crap that's on my mind, thing that I've been thinking about, all the weird shit that goes through my head. It's really just for my own amusement because no one really cares. Also, I like to think I'm funny and set about proving it on a daily basis.

With that said, here's what's been on my mind lately. Do rich people have health insurance? I mean, not your 'typical' rich people like doctors and lawyers you make $500,000/yr. I mean your Bill Gates' and Waltons. Do they have good insurance coverage? On one hand, you would think that they have the best coverage money can buy, but on the other hand do they really want to go through the hassle of fighting with insurance companies over paying for a heart transplant. Think about it.

Something else that should be noted about me is that I'm kind of a bitch. I know, you think I have a sweet face, but it's all show. Have a conversation with me some day, you'll find out. Take Saturday for instance. I was walking down on the 16th St. Mall, minding my own business when out of nowhere a man comes towards me wearing a red velour peacoat, a pair of velour pants that may have been black at one time but has now faded to a brownie black (it's a color, ask Crayola!), and a pair of brown loafers with tassels. Tassels people! So, I'm staring at him, not a polite glance, but really staring at him and I'm thinking, 'He really did it! He really left the house like that.' I mean come on! Who looks at themselves in the mirror and thinks that's attractive? And you just know that he was walking out feeling really good, like a panther on the prowl, going to find himself some Ladies!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm note to dad........burn that outfit.
