Monday, November 27, 2006

File Under 'I Could Give A Fuck'

Last week Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes got married. Now this event is really insignificant in my life as it was in almost everyone else's in this country and in he world. My problem, AGAIN, is that the media assumes that the public is hounding for news about the wedding. I could care less what dress she wore or what food they served at the reception.

But what bothers me is that for like a week, I could not stop seeing reports about the wedding. In fact, the TV Guide channel practically ran this stupid two-hour show about the wedding on a perpetual loop last weekend. (At least, I assumed it was two hours because the shit was on FOREVER! I stopped watching the TV Guide channel that week and was forced to just click aimlessly through my channels.)

Now, I wish Tom and Katie every happiness. I do. I think he's a freak and she's brainwashed and vapid, but hey, to each his own.

What got me is that everyone, and I mean everyone, seemed to have an opinion about this relationship. People (reporters mostly) that I am 100% sure have never met Tom Cruise nor Katie Holmes in their entire lives, now have a national forum in which to give their unsubstaniated best guesses on things that are none of their business. One woman actually went so far as to say that she believes that Katie's parents didn't approve of the relationship but that all changed once Suri was born. But how does she know that? Maybe they still don't approve. Maybe they're going along with in because they want to stay in the lives of Katie and Suri. Maybe Tom Cruise sent them to the mother ship to get a labotomy. I don't know. But neither did she. Since when do we have the right to pry into people's lives? To dissect their every move? I understand that celebrities are fascinating to most people. But since when did that come to mean that they weren't entitled to any sort of private life?

And more importantly, why are innocent bystanders such as myself subjected to the media's constant fascination with every single aspect of a celebrity's life?