Monday, April 17, 2006

My First Post

So, I did it (again!). I've created another blog because apparently the blog that I have on MySpace isn't enough. I need to feed my megalomanical tendencies by making sure that my voice gets out to a larger audience. I mean, I've always been of the opinion that the world would truly be a better place if only everyone would bow before my superior intellect and common sense...JK
Actually, I'm just bored and I'm dangerous when I'm bored. I named my blog Random Acts of Randomness because that's just what it'll be...just the random musings of my random mind. (Have I used random enough times?) I like to pride myself on being funny so I really hope that the eight people who read this will be entertained. Not by this one necessarily because I'm not feeling particularly creative but I can assure y'all that I am one funny mofo. And as soon as i fgure out how to do this blog thing, I will get right down to my own funny shit.

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