Thursday, June 08, 2006

My Two Cents

Penny #1
Is it just me or does this whole 'immigration' debate seem sort of racists. I mean all the talk is about 'illiegal immigrants' but they're really talking about Mexicans. The debate is about Canada. We;re not thinking about building a fence to keep the Canadians out (and why would we? Who would supply the quality comedians?)

Now I know what you're going to say...most 'illegal immigrants' are Mexican, plain and simple. I do agree. However, my point is why are we making it so hard for Mexicans to come into the states? Our border with Canada allows for Canadians to enter our country willy nilly, whenever they want, no visa needed. You don't armed guards at the Canadian border waiting to snatch those dirty Canadians before they cross Lake Superior and enter the country where they'll take low-paying jobs that most Americans, even those that are poor as shit, wouldn't take. No, just those brown-skinned, hard-working Mexicans.

And that, to me, is uber-racist.

2nd Penny


Seriously, how sanctified and holy is marriage when you can go to Vegas, get married and annulled all within the space of 54 hours (yeah, I'm talking about you, Ms. Britney Spears Alexander Federline)



Mitch said...

#1 - I don't think it's racist by design, more by fact. Like how stereotypes are formed because a majority resembles them, not everyone does.

Yes, people come in from Canada too, but not at the same rate. Besides, with the stir at stretching resources at the southern border, what do you think would happen if they tried to cover the north as well?

More people come in from Mexico. Canadians who came in, for the most part, don't come in with the same mentality. Canadians are not as poor. They're also not as willing to shovel shit for a living of five cents an hour.

Another problem with Mexicans coming in is now they're sneeking through the desert and many of them are dying from the elements. It's a shame, and probably the government is worried it won't be long until they get heat for all the dead people in the desert.

Me, I have no problem with immigrants, but they should be legal. I have to pay taxes, they should pay taxes. Honestly, they're only making, what? $5 a day? They'd probably get all of their taxes back anyhow come April. And if they were legal, they'd probably get the better end of the deal. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to obtaim the papers to legally come over here if they want to work. I can understand not wanting illegal immigrants, but why are we turning away cheap labor? For a country so all about the might dollar, we can be damn stupid sometimes.

#2 I agree with you on that one. I don't see what the big deal is if a girl and a girl, or a guy and a guy who love eachother want to make a commitment. A lot of girls and guys who don't love eachother make that commitment. If divorce rates keep on the rise, they won't stay together anyway, so why bother?

I didn't pay much attention in history and social studies through school, but I seem to remember something about the "separation of church and state." Why does the state have to be separate, but the nation can just barge right in and say what's right.

There are a hell of a lot worse problems in religion (not to mention the world) than some dude marching down the isle in a white dress.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mitch. The term here is illegal.

My husband is a legal immigrant which means he pays taxes like myself and everyone else.

When you have the children of illegal immigrants attending school they are adding to the cost of the school especially if their parents do not wish to be counted during the head counts at school when it comes to funding.

If the school is showing that it only has 5000 students when they actually have more let's say 6500 then schools will not receive the actual monies needed to run their schools which means that they have to make do with less money to use for more students.

Plus hospitialization cost are higher to make up for those people that leave without paying their hospital bills and these cost are passed onto those people who do.

So how fair is that.....I would prefer to help those on the right side of the law verses those that are not.

This country was built by the labor of legal immigrants.

Now regarding same sex marriages I don't care if they are boy-boy, girl-girl, if they want to get married let them this is their choice and noone should try to take anyones God given right to choose choices away from them because in the end it is God who decides if the choices that he bestowed to us to make were those he wanted us to make.
