Monday, June 12, 2006

My hot night with Three Guys

So Saturday was a red-letter day for me. I spent it with not one, not two, but three men. One of which even wanted to sleep with me.

#1 Man
Name: Sam

I met Sam when I was out at a bar to hear my friend's band play. He's a friend of a friend and my friend told him that I was an aspiring author. Sam is also an aspiring writer. He's going to grad school to get his MFA.

So we chat for a few minutes on and off throughout the evening. He's getting hammered. And then the time comes when he asks me what I write. I tell him honestly that I write romance. And then he sends me a look. Like I'm doing something wrong, like it's a sin. And then he tells me that I need to write 'real' books. 'Literary fiction,' he intones over and over again.

At first, I'm embarassed. I mean I love writing romance. And I'm damn good at it. But there are times when I get embarassed to tell people what I write. Then I started thinking, why? Why am I ashamed of the books I love so much that I want to write them?

And then I got mad. Fuck him! There is nothing wrong with my craft or the genre I choose to embrace. Just because we're writing romance does not make us any less talented than any other 'fiction' writer. We are just as talented, just as imaginitive, just as creative as any of them. I'd like to see James Joyce write a really good romance novel.

Good Luck, buddy!

Man #2
Name: Tom

So, I'm on my way out of the bar when I feel a hand on my arm. I turn to find this average-looking white guy holding on to me.

"Hello," I say, perplexed.

"I have to tell you that you're hat is dead sexy."

I almost faint. He had the sexiest Irish brogue I'd heard. And what was one an average guy os now like ten-times hotter. So, instead of walking away, I stay and talk. I'm no fool.

We flirt, and laugh. He seizes his opportunity to put his head on my breasts (longer story). And as we talk, it becomes more and more clear that this man is angling for some sex. And I found that I was not above giving it to him.

Then in the way of all great lovers, some of my friends come to say goodbye and his attention gets pulled away at the same time. And before you know it, the moment's gone.


I really wished the night ended differently.

Man #3
Name: Asshole in a Cab

So, I'm driving home and I pull up to a stoplight. Next to me is a cab. I look over to see two drunken assholes in the back seat.

Suddenly, one flips me off.

Now, normally, I would chalk this up to drunken randomness, but this night I was feeling more than a little frustrated. And like the lady that I am, I yell:

"Yeah, fuck you too."

My window was down.

So was theirs, and not one to take things lying down, they yell back,

"Fuck you, you fat black bitch."

To which I reply,

"Back at you, drunken white asshole."

All in all, the most exciting Saturday night I've had in a while.




Anonymous said...

I agree with Kolbyirish we need more details about the breast incident and why didn't the two of you exchange cell numbers or email addresses.

The first guy sounds like a literary snob. Because you have nothing to be ashamed of.

Heck.... Harlequin Romance is a multi-million dollars strong thanks to those of us who read romance novels and those of you whom write it.

Now drunks are just that. They probably got drunk so that they could play with each other later and blame it on their intoxication.


Mitch said...

Mmmm....Irish, yummy.

Where can I get whatever hat you were wearing? *smirk*

Paz Edwards said...

What a night, indeed.


Michele said...

#1 is not that uncommon - lot of horses behinds out there who think thiers is the best manure.

#2 - oh that started out so beautifully. Serious let down to not have follow through, maybe put an add out to find him? Brogues just melt me into pudding puddles.

#3 - What anonymous said in last paragraph has me ROTFL! Too funny.
View with a sense of ribald humor - love it!

As far as writing romance, Heh, he has NO idea how hard it is. It is a disciplined path depedning on the genre of romance you like to write. I think historicals are harder - you can't play around with established rules. The challenge is to find a niche that no one has done before, capture the readers interest while staying true to the era ... bet he couldn't do that.