Sunday, June 10, 2007


Hi All,
Sorry that I haven't blogged in like forever but I'm having a few issues right now. I find myself totally devoid of creativity. I don't know what's going on with me. I'm not writing much of anything right now. I'm in a big slump and I don't know why. I'm really sorry for all of you who are waiting for updates on LOTI. I know writing is like a job and I need to treat it as such. But I'm having difficulty being creative, finding words, creating stories. I have lots of ideas but no motivation. I'm hoping this is a fad but it's been like a month and I still haven't shaken it.

Ah, well. Poor me, I guess. I'm going to try harder. I hope to have something accomplished by the end of the week.

Pray for me.


Anonymous said...

Hi CV - I'm sorry your creativity has hit a dry spell, and pray that it returns double force soon! I'm a new reader on the Sweetest Taboo site and loved your "On Business" fic with a passion! Awesomeness!

I am deeply missing LOTI. You are a wonderful writer.

Creativity Vacuum said...

Thanks Anonymous (sorry, you didn't leave a name)!

I'm working through it.
