Monday, June 11, 2007

Life And Romantic Times

Hello Again,
I figure that since I'm suffering from a complete and total nervous breakdown I can at least give y'all the lowdown on what's been happening in my life.

First (and most important) I went to the RT Convention a few weeks ago. I had a blast! I highly recommend that all you writers (and readers) go. I cannot remember a time when I had that much fun. I barely slept. I partied all night. I drank. I made some great friends. I met with editors and agents. I got a request for a full by Kate Duffy who I fully intend upon making my platonic life partner I love her so much.

I think what I liked most about it was the environment. There's nothing like being around people who are like you. They read what you read, write what you write. There's no need to justify your choice of reading material. I don't know about anyone else, but I sometimes get tired of the sideways looks I get when I'm in public reading a romance novel. And it's not as though they don't read them. Romance can't sell over 50% of the popular fiction market with just me buying them. (Besides, I rarely buy books.)

I was planning to go next year as well. Unfortunately, I'm about to start a new job and probably won't be able to make the trip. I will be at RWA next year. It's in San Francisco so I'm definitely going.

I've also decided to go to Italy next June for my birthday. I will be thisclose to leaving my twenties behind and I decided to do it up. I hear the nines are harder than the zeroes so that's why I'm treating myself to two weeks in a romantic country. Maybe I'll leave there with a Italian Count as a husband. Or maybe never leave at all. I've got a whole year to plan (and save) for the trip. Part of my plan is to lose weight. I think that now that I have a reason, it may be easier to keep motivated. I'm starting my diet on Wednesday. Why Wednesday, you ask? Well, statistics show that people who start diets on Wednesdays, typically have higher success rates than those who start on Monday.

What else...? I told you I'm starting a new job in August. I'm going to be working in a school. So you know what that means? I get SUMMERS OFF!!!!! Hell yeah! I only have to work 8 months out of the year (including spring break and Christmas vacation)! I'm super excited.

And that's it for now. I'm glad I got a little writing done. Even if it's only my blog.



Jaye Wells said...

Congrats on the new job. It sounds awesome.

Do we need to have a tough love talk about the writing breakdown?

Creativity Vacuum said...

Thanks Jaye! I'm excited.

I think I may need a writing intervention. I'm working on it. I'm just a bit stressed. I hope the streak breaks.