Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What I've been up to

I know, I know. I'm a bad blogger and an even worse author. Writer's block has been kicking my ass! The good news is that I'm reading a lot more. I discovered a new author. Well, new to me. Linda Castillo. She writes romantic suspense. VERY WELL. Her characters are so real and flawed and awesome. I immediately went out and got all of her books from the library. As with every author, there were a couple I didn't dig totally but that's only in comparison to her other books which were awesome.

I'm also reading the Harry Potter books. I never got into them before but I enjoyed the movies. So, I'm starting from the beginning. And I must admit, they are quite good. Easy reads and very interesting. And it doesn't even matter that I know how the final book ends.

What else? I'm in love with someone who doesn't love me but every time I hear his voice or think about him, my stomach quivers. Of course, he's all wrong for me. Four years younger and in general a typical 'guy.' But I can't help it. I think that maybe my lovesick state is contributing to my not writing. Who knows? But I'm going to make an effort to at least do something. I'm joining a critique group. I'm studying Donald Maas. I'm also starting a new job that's going to allow me more time to write. I firmly believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Later Gators

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