Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fat Fashion

I wish that I had the discipline to post everyday like my good friend Jaye (see sidebar for link, she's kick-ass!). As it is, I surf the internet for untold hours and get nothing accomplished. If I ever get an office in my home, my computer won't have an internet connection. It helps to have no distractions.

So...what great thoughts have I been thinking?

Well, number one is how hard it is to find sexy lingerie for big girls. C'mon designers! Big girls want to look good for their men. We want the crotchless panties. But not the edible undies. We'd go throigh like 10 packs in a day. Plus there's the added downside that most women have no desire to stick fruit roll-ups (or any other food product-see previous post) in our hoo-has. SIDENOTE: I should really look into all the euphemisms that I know for human genitalia.

But back to my point...I have been scouring the internet for said items (sans fruit panties) and have not been very successful.

And that leads to yet another related point. Why do fashion designers feel that all big girls want to do is wear MuuMuus? I know that there's been a shift, but for the most part, it's same ole, same ole when it comes to larger women. Did you SEE Project Runway? That design that Jeffrey made was made for a cow. Now I may be a heifer but I am not a cow.

What else?

My best friend just got engaged. And while I am very happy for her, I also want to gauge her eyes out.

Is this normal or am I more demented than I thougt?


1 comment:

Jaye Wells said...

It's not discipline, it's an addiction. I'd do better to write than blog. But it sure is fun. Thanks for shout-out by the way.