Thursday, May 25, 2006

Sans Sex

So, as the two people that read this blog know, I am an aspiring romance author. Unfortunately, lately I'm not feeling very aspiring or inspired and have therefore resorted to the old standby...research. Which basically means that I'm reading a whole lot of books. Fortunately, I'm a fast reader. And now, biting the idea from a friend of mine, I'm making book recommendations. I'm currently reading a series of mysteries by David Handler, the Berger and Mitry mysteries. It's about a New York film critic living in Connecticut (slight thought break, has anyone ever met anyone from Connecticut? I was thinking about that last night, and I can't say that I've ever had the pleasure. Do people ever immigrate from Connecticut? I know that tons of people visit there or settle there, but I don't think they leave. Could Connecticut be the most inbred state in the country and we just don't hear about it? Think.) who meets a Black State Trooper and they fall in love. And solve mysteries. Hence the subtitle "A Berger and Mitry Mystery."

Now, I have to tell you that I'm digging these books. Which is surprising considering it is rare that I read a book that has no sex. I'm strictly a romance, romantic suspense, romantic thriller, or romantic mystery type gal. Do you get that I love romance? But I've got to say that I am definitely expanding my repetoire. They really are enjoyable, a little slow, gentle, and not too much violence, and nothing graphic. So if that sounds appealing, y'all should definitely check them out.

I really should get a ratings system. Hmmm...what would I do. I read a lot of romance and increasingly a lot of erotica. Maybe instead of stars, I should use batteries. Get it...batteries. I know you do. And when I'm evaluating mysteries, I should use little magnifying glasses. It's definitely something to think about.


BTW...the first two books in the Berger and Mitry series are called "The Cold Blue Blood" and "The Hot Pink Farmhouse." Both of which rate 3 out of 4 little magnifying glasses.

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